
Hands on Experience👉Colab

Install on your device with Source Code

LibSingal provides installation from source code. Please execute the following command to install and configure our environment.
First, despite any OS(Linux, Windows, MacOS, etc), you need to get our source code:

mkdir DaRL
cd DaRL
git clone --branch doc_ver
cd LibSignal

Use anaconda to manage your environment and package, If you don’t have one, see here Then please find your corresponding platform and follow instructions below:

On MacOS

create your own conda environment:

conda create -n testlibsignal python=3.7
conda activate testlibsignal

Open the command line and Install the required env info:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install cmake

Install the pytorch that suits your machine, or simplest way:

pip install torch

If you encounter problem like: ‘EntryPoints’ object has no attribute ‘get’, please do follow:

pip install importlib-metadata==4.13.0
pip install pfrl

Then when you conduct


You are expected to see ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘cityflow’, that’s what we are doing next:
Install cityflow follow the instructions here or simplest way:

git clone
cd CityFlow
pip install .

Then go one step back to the root folder of Libsignal where stores “” and run again by

cd ..

you can also run the file in your IDE! Congrats,your first attempt is successful! 🎉🎉🎉

On Linux

Install cityflow follow the instructions here:

Install sumo follow the instructions here:

Stay at the root folder of cloned repository, and then
Open the command line and Install the required env info:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install cmake

If you found something missing, eg: lmdb, install as follow:

pip install lmdb

One Click from with default configurations: As an example, we set DQN with cityflow as default detailed config settings can be found at Document

On Windows

You could visit the instructions Doc for detailed steps and error solutions. Please use WSL or Docker first:
install WSL

install Docker

Install cityflow follow the instructions here

Install sumo follow the instructions here

Stay at the root folder of cloned repository, and then
Open the command line and Install the required env info:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install cmake

If you found something missing, eg: lmdb, install as follow:

pip install lmdb

One Click from with default configurations: As an example, we set DQN with cityflow as default detailed config settings can be found at Document

Simulator environment configuration

Though CityFlow and SUMO are stable under Windows and Linux systems, we still recommend users work under the Linux system. Currently, CBEngine is stable under the Linux system.

CityFlow Environment

To install CityFlow simulator, please follow the instruction on CityFlow Doc

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake

git clone
cd CityFlow
pip install .

To test configuration:

import cityflow
env = cityflow.Engine

SUMO Environment

To install SUMO environment, please follow the instruction on SUMO Doc

sudo apt-get install cmake python g++ libxerces-c-dev libfox-1.6-dev libgdal-dev libproj-dev libgl2ps-dev swig

git clone --recursive

export SUMO_HOME="$PWD/sumo"
mkdir sumo/build/cmake-build && cd sumo/build/cmake-build
cmake ../..
make -j$(nproc)

To test installation:

cd ~/DaRL/sumo/bin

To add SUMO and traci model into system PATH, execute code below:

export SUMO_HOME=~/DaRL/sumo

To test configuration:

import libsumo
import traci


CBEngine currently works stably under the Linux system; we highly recommend users choose Linux if we plan to conduct experiments under the CBEinge simulation environment. (Currently not available)


Our code is based on Python version 3.9 and Pytorch version 1.11.0. For example, if your CUDA version is 11.3 you can follow the instruction on PyTorch

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url

pip install -r requirements.txt

Selective agents

We also support agents implemented based on other libraries

# Colight Geometric implementation based on default environment mentioned in Requirment

pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric -f

# ppo_pfrl implementation
pip install pfrl

Detailed instrcuctions can be found on page Pytorch_geometric and PFRL. After installation, user should uncomment code in PATH ./agent/

# from .ppo_pfrl import IPPO_pfrl
# from colight import CoLightAgent

selective simulation environment

If users only need some specific simulation environments, please comment on the respective codes following the instructions below.




Now, you can use LibSignal;for more details, please refer to Quick Start.